Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Elder Abuse - Do ask, Do tell

Did you know that Colorado Adult Protective Services receives 11,000 reports every year concerning seniors who are at risk for safety and well-being? Many more incidents of abuse go unreported. This issue was brought home to me when I served in our state senate a few years back. I always remember when campaigning for the house and senate when I was younger. Walking door to door in North Denver with a high percentage of older folks, each house had talk radio playing. One older constituent told me that "talk radio took away the loneliness since her husband died." Those who would abuse the older people in our city know that many older people are lonely and are vulnerable to folks who show an interest in them. Everyone can be an auditor on this issue of elder abuse. Don't be afraid to ask and don't be afraid to tell if you suspect a case of elder abuse. I am so glad that our city is sponsoring an event to raise consciousness about Elder Abuse. I hope you will join us on Friday, June 15, 2012, from 9-12 noon at beautiful City Park Pavilion. The event is entitled: "Elder Abuse Awareness Day." This will be a great chance to connect to aging services and learn how you can help with this often unnoticed issue facing older people in our city and state. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this important event. Invite the young, being old is not catching. There will be music and entertainment and I promise not to sing the Colorado song. At most that would be trying the patience of the elderly and everybody else in attendance. For more information, visit: www.Denvergov.org/ElderAbuse. And I want to thank Dr. Sharon Bailey of the Auditor's Office for suggesting this meeting for my calendar..

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